Throw A Cast Net

Throw A Cast Net

Throwing a cast net can be a daunting challenge and many anglers think it is impossible to get it right… Wrong. Casting a throw net is a fairly simple exercise and once practiced, comes naturally to anyone. A throw net is also called a cast net; it is basically a large net with weights that opens up when you throw it and catches fish in the net. To use a cast net you need a…

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Improved Clinch Knot

Improved Clinch Knot

Improved Clinch Knot The improved clinch knot is the most popular knot for attaching hooks, swivels, snaps, lures, flies and sinkers on light line (20lb test or less, click on the photos to enlarge them.)   Step 1. Pass the line through the eye of the hook and wrap the tag end around the standing line five times. Step 2.   Bring the tag end back and pass it through the loop you created above…

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Arbor Knot

Arbor Knot

Arbor Knot The arbor knot is the knot you use to tie line and backing onto your reel. It’s very simple. (Click on the photos to enlarge them.)   Step 1. Pass the line around the arbor. Step 2.   Tie an overhand knot in the standing line. Step 3.   Tie another overhand knot in the tag end. Step 4.   Moisten the knots (saliva will do- the lubrication keeps the line from weakening…

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