Good shad fishing in Durban

Shad Have Been landed at several spots in Durban over the past week.


All areas up to the Mozambican border extraordinarily well fished Have and Have seen plenty of action. Most of These Have Been catches in the mornings and Have Been feeding on mackerel cutlets and chokka baits. Kosi Bay has had a good run of wave Garrick, bonefish and stumpnose With impressive numbers of pompano moving down as well. Anglers head using sardine as bait Have Been Relatively successful With pompano in particular. The water has-been slightly warmer and very little side wash. Cape Vidal has seen fish, however the bay is still fairly sanded Themselves up and anglers catching fish found north and south of the bay. The bay has produced a number of Garrick wave up to 1.5kg and a few stumpnose. The fish in esta area Have prawn and chokka preferred baits. The Latter parts of the week and coming weekend looks to be perfect conditions for Those Who are looking to catch kingfish.Richards Bay has-been fishing well on the north side, near Particularly Hlabane Which has-been producing excellent numbers of rockcod and stumpnose. Have larger baits worked well for the rockcod and bigger stumpnose, With smaller baits working a charm for the pompano. South of Richards Bay has seen fewer fish but still has Been fairly productive. A few flatfish Have Been around and Have fed in the north easterly winds.The bulk of These Have Been brown fish skates and honeycombs Which Have stuck around a bit in the warmer water. Some anglers fishing with light tackle for pompano and stumpnose Have accidentally hooked into some massive flatfish Which Could Have Been only large honeycombs. Needless to say, Most of These Were lost fish, anglers Which HAD Their heavier rods running to a bait to get ready. Tinley Manor Also had a few anglers catching flatfish. However They Were With few and far between pompano Being the main target species in esta area. Ballito fished Well with some nice size gray sharks in the region of 20kg. One angler using a spinning reel Daiwa Saltist 4500 and at Poseidon Coastline Medium 12’6 “rod managed to land two gray sharks as well as over four 20kg Between 10 and 20kg. Mackerel head did the trick for the excellent catch, as well as large When the mackerel baits chokka HAD run out. Pompano Also Have Been Found in the shallows around Ballito feeding well in the late afternoons. Small shad Have Been caught off Sheffield and in the overall Ballito / Salt Rock area. Spoons Have worked well, but the Have Been larger fish taken on bait.


Blue Lagoon and the Durban piers had good shad action Have and Have produced numbers of shad just making size THROUGHOUT the week. Also Have Been Smaller grunter plentiful and of course good numbers of pompano as has-been the case over the last three weeks. With so many anglers targeting the pompano in areas: such asAddington and Blue Lagoon, there has-been a fair amount of by-catch too, Which includes stumpnose, grunter and the odd flatfish.


Amanzimtoti has-been quiet apart from the odd pompano, threadfin shad or mullet and to two early in the mornings. Umkomaas saw many anglers spinning in the mornings, Which Have Landed a variety of fish: such as wave Garrick, shad and kingfish. As expected, the ground fish Have Been plentiful and will continue to bite THROUGHOUT the week. Grunter and pompano Have Been caught on sea lice chokka or on smaller baits. Scottburgh’ve seen good action at night in the form of gray sharks and bonefish.The anglers spinning in the mornings Have had good fun with Natal Snoek and kingfish on light tackle. The shad Have Been around, but of the smaller variety. Most snoek Have Been taken on smaller spoons like the Pro Jet Spoons and the shad on Falcon Spoons.Port Shepstone’ve seen good numbers of kob Which Have Been caught on McArthy Paddletails early in the mornings. Most Have Been caught fish before the sun has risen and When the conditions are right, anglers Have hooked into as many as ten fish per session. Margate HAD much of the same and had plenty of action, aside from the kob Being caught, good numbers of bronze bream and shad Have Been Reported regularly.The kob Have Been In This area smaller, but Also Have Been found feeding aggressively on paddletails. The winter fishing season is on its way and good signs are here With shad on the bite well and a few reports of Garrick Have Also Been received. In the Port Edward area, Lucky Dip and the nearby beach area are the hotspots for shad.At this time of the year, people are on the lookout and town talk is all about our annual sardine run, let’s hope it’s a good one. Port St John’s was fishing Well with high numbers of shad and bronze bream, Which Have Been caught early in the mornings and on and off THROUGHOUT the day. Have Also Been there some lovely gray sharks coming out, Most of Which Have Been over 50kg. The lower side of Port St John’s has produced a number of large sardine and shad on some good kob Also on chokka baits.

Reminder – Quattro King of the Sea at Pumula on 23 and 24 May 2015.


Article Taken From ECR